The FAO analyzes, that there are more than 570 million farms worldwide, 427 Millions of which are small and family-operated. It shows that producing family farms provide 75% of the worldwide food production. For farmers especially small and medium ones, diesel and the fossil fertilizer contribute to up to 50% of their running costs. Diesel can be replaced by self-produced biomethane. Billion tons of agricultural waste is produced worldwide and pollute the soil, the water and the atmosphere.

Worldwide, more than
farms are small and family-operated
Family farms provide
of the worldwide food production
Up to
of their runnings costs can contribute to diesel and fossil fertilizer
Biomethane should be processed from those biological waste materials to reduce their emissions and at the same time substitute energy and fossil fuels. Farmers and cooperatives could reduce their costs and be more productive by using decentralized energy (electricity and heat) and up to date machinery. In this way, they can contribute to the rising food demand for the world population which will grow 70% until 2050. And finally, they can use the by-product of renewable fertilizer to implement circular agriculture.

of the worldwide population will live in cities
Cities emit
of the CO₂ of the global energy production.
Our biomethane strategy focuses on
Mobility, Energy and Waste Management.
Only 2% of the surface of the earth is covered by cities. Soon 60% of the worldwide population will live in cities. But they use 75% of the global energy production and emit 80% of the CO₂. Cities and their challenges grow. In emerging economies, growing, often chaotically organized cities are asking for advice on their strategic development; the focus is on mobility, energy, waste management.
Our Biomethane strategy tackles all 3 topics, can use the household waste to produce biogas for energy and biomethane production and can fuel public transport and waste trucks with biomethane.

Many companies related to the energy sector are looking for ways to expand their business models into remote areas. Decentralized electric energy production and decentralized gas production are options for regions with a bad or without grid connection.
Energy companies can use the all-rounder biogas: as biogas is not fluctuating energy like photovoltaics or wind and can, therefore, stabilize the electric energy system. As biomethane, it can be used to substitute natural gas and LPG, which is 4-6 times more expensive.

Many technology companies are small and medium sized companies and therefore it is hard for them to drive the internationalization. Furthermore, remote markets need a different skill set and additional consulting to realize successful projects. Many companies have failed with their business approach.
Atmove has learned how to tackle those problems and how to approach new markets. Promotions make it possible to master the additional challenges that arise from such business development on a large scale. In addition, the new markets are looking for complete solutions that can often only be realized in a team of companies. Atmove has experience with funding and the coordination of economic partnerships.